When choosing the best web hosting to start a blog in 2024 or website, you need a simple checklist, and I will briefly explain each item on the list.
If you decide not to choose one of the top-rated web hosts in 2024 in this guide, I sincerely hope you will use the checklist to find a good web host for your benefit.

1. Great Hosting Support 24/7
The # 1 thing that all good web hosts will have without question is top-notch support on both the front and back. Top-rated hosts will have broad and highly trained staff around the clock. Managing the phones to assist you and maintaining and monitoring all servers and their software ensures everything is running smoothly.
The service and the support you will receive set the top-rated web hosts from the rest of the pack.
2. Latest Web Servers & Software for 2024
All modern web hosts invest in the latest software and servers to benefit their customers. A Top-rated host knows that keeping up with the latest and greatest technology makes the hosting experience the best possible.
They do it for you and all of your site visitors and your customers.
3. Easy To Use Hosting Dashboard
Let’s face it; most of us are not professional programmers and don’t want to be. We want something very easy to use. Look for a web host that provides an extremely easy-to-use administrative dashboard. You’ll likely want to add features like blogs and forums to your website, so look for a host who provides a way for you to install and integrate these services into your website quickly. Choose a web host who provides cPanel control and either Fantastico or Simple Scripts.
4. One-Click WordPress Installation
Top-rated hosts will offer one-click easy installation of one of the most powerful site-building platforms, WordPress! Once installed, you will have access to thousands of free themes and plugins, and other tools to create a fantastic site in no time at all.
5. Free Site Building Tools And Templates
All top-rated hosts will also offer hundreds if not many times, more free templates and site-building software and tools. Although not as powerful as WordPress, the site-building tools and software are still a great way to quickly create an excellent site for you. The site-building tools and templates are still potent, expensive, and free to use to make your site(s).
6. Multiple Hosting Account Options
All top-rated web hosts will allow you for a low price to host unlimited domains with unlimited disk space and bandwidth on a shared server account. In addition to the entry-level shared server account, top-rated hosts will offer VPS accounts and dedicated server accounts for your site’s future growth and success of your site(s) no matter how big they may become.
7. Resources & Tools To Grow Your Site
All top-rated web hosts offer some version of cPanel, the #1 website management tool, by far. Top rated web hosts will also provide tools to create and manage your site and build traffic and, more importantly, sales and revenue for you. There should be tools like search engine submission and optimization and others both for free and paid.
8. Minimum Of 100,000 Hosted Accounts
I listed this last for a good reason. There are many hosts out there that have 100,000 plus accounts but are not top-rated. All top-rated hosts will have over that number of accounts, and the shortlist of best hosts in the next chapter all have well over 100,000 accounts.
What separates the best web host from the rest is their huge monthly revenue from all those accounts. A great web host will put a good portion of their income and profits back into software and servers and support staff for the benefit of all of its customers.
The non-top rated hosts are just large hosts that put the majority of its revenue and profits into the pockets of its owner(s).
8. Allow You Room To Grow & Prosper
Another benefit that you will get with a top-rated host is room to grow and prosper in a few different ways. Now I know that you might be thinking, I only need this one site and a straightforward account with a top-rated host. That is all that I need.
I know what you think because I thought the same thing, and before I knew it, I had multiple sites up and running simultaneously. Some top-rated web hosts will offer a few dollars per month less the option to host a single domain or have one website with unlimited storage space.
A far better option than all best web hosts will offer is to allow you to host unlimited domains. Top-rated hosts continually run various promotions and discounts to their average rate but never a discount on their superior services.
They also will offer options on payment terms that usually run from 1-3 years and allow you to lock in that low rate. Some web hosts will even allow you to pay every month.
I am trying to make here that all web hosts will give you various options to fit your needs best and allow you to grow from your first site to multiple sites or more. A top-rated host will also give you opportunities to grow and to prosper in other ways and through even more account types such as the following:
- Dedicated Server Accounts
- VPS ( Virtual Private Server Accounts )
Both of the hosting account types above are very advanced and also very expensive. They should not even be considered for anyone starting or who did not outgrow their shared server account.
I will only briefly describe the two different accounts above as they are too advanced for these pages. The main point is that they are available for you down the road if you ever need them.
Dedicated Server
A dedicated server account is by far the most powerful and the most expensive option available. You have a server all to yourself, yet you have the full support of your top-rated web host. Your account is also fully managed through your cPanel.
A dedicated server is the highest form of hosting that you can have, and the price is equally as high. Plans usually start at around $100 – $150 a month and can run as high as $350 plus per month. You will receive the highest level of security, speed, and reliability for the high monthly costs.
Virtual Private Server or VPS
A VPS account is a perfect account between the much lower in both price and performance basic shared server account and the line dedicated server’s top. VPS accounts usually start at around $20 a month and can go up to about $150 a month. A VPS account is a definitive account, especially if you begin to outgrow your shared server account.
You can always start at the lowest VPS level at around $20 a month and always easily upgrade at any time as your site(s) grow. If you outgrow your VPS account, you can always upgrade to some dedicated server account.
The truth is you may never need a dedicated server or even a VPS account, but you need to know that they are available if you do. If your site(s) do warrant a VPS account or a dedicated server, you want to be sure that they are offered and maintained by a top-rated web host.
Top rated web hosts will also help you grow & prosper in other ways too. Like free and paid SEO and traffic building tools and Google and other search engine ad credits. They will also offer other both paid and free resources for your use and your site’s sole benefit (s) success.
I started my first web site in 2008 and have used at least a dozen web hosting companies. I changed hosts every time I developed a new website, looking for more features, better pricing, better support, and, most of all, ease of use. I found this recommended web host a few years ago.
They’re one of the ten largest hosting companies in the world, hosting more than 2,500,000 domains. They’ll help you set up and transfer an existing website for free if you’re a first-time customer. Their service is easy to use, and I’ve had excellent customer support the few times I’ve needed it. I highly recommend them.
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